Cesare sneaks into Jane's bedroom [video clip with Japanese narration, Japanese transcription, and English translation]
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- Benshi Narration (Musei) -- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
- When Francis peeks into the carriage window, -- 馬車の窓(まど)から覗くと
- the doctor is sleeping with his chin rested on his cane. -- 博士は杖にあごを載せて眠っている
- The somnambulist Cesaré was surely inside the coffin-like box. -- 棺桶のような箱の中には、例の眠り男のセザーレが確かにおりました
- However, a monster that looks exactly like Cesaré -- にも関わらず,セザーレとそっくりの怪物が
- has just sneaked into Dr. Olsen’s daughter’s bedroom. -- 令嬢の寝室へ忍んで参りました
- He was going to stab the lady deeply with a sharp dagger. -- 鋭利な刃物をぐさりとただ一突き
- At the instant Cesaré flung up the knife, -- 振り上げた瞬間に
- his attitude changed suddenly. -- ザーレの様子が変になりました
- At the moment when he saw the beautiful face of the sleeping lady, -- 美しい令嬢の寝顔を見た瞬間に
- After all, the masculine blood was running in Cesaré’s body. -- セザーレの体にはやはり男性の血が流れていました
- In spite of himself, he extends his arms -- 思わず手を差し伸べ
- Screaming -- 悲鳴を上げて
- A screaming daughter, -- うち騒ぐ令嬢を
- he clasps her to his side with ease -- 軽々と横抱きにいたしまして
- What was that? -- なんだか
- Certainly, just now, we heard a scream of a woman -- たしかに今、女の悲鳴が
- Ah! -- あ!
- How is our young mistress doing? -- お嬢さんどうしてる?
- Ah! Over there! There he goes! -- ああ!あすこだ!あすこをいくぞ!
- There is no way humanly possible. -- 到底普通の人間業とは思えないので、
- While clasping the lady to his side -- 令嬢の体を横抱きにしたまま
- a strange man is fleeing along the roofs -- 屋根伝いにあやしの者が逃げていきます
- Still, Dr. Caligari is sleeping -- カリガリー博士は相変わらず眠っている
- And the sleeping man is sleeping in that box. -- 眠り男は例の箱の中で眠っている
- however, a monster that looks just like the sleeping man, -- しかるに眠り男とそっくりの怪物が
- he has kidnapped the lady and fled. -- 令嬢をさらって逃げ出したのです
- But on the way, having run out of steam, -- だが途中まで来ると力つきて
- the monster deserted the lady and ran away. -- その怪物は令嬢を道ばたに、捨てたまま,逃げてしまったのです
- For a little while, -- なおもしばらく
- the monster that resembled Cesaré was walloping. -- セザーレによく似た怪物は、ヨタヨタ歩き回っていましたが
- He finally lost power and fell down onto the ground. -- 遂に力つきて倒れてしまった
- It will soon be dawn. -- もう間もなく明け方であると
- I have been watching them all night, but nothing has happened. -- 今まで見張っていて何事もないぞと
- About the attack she experienced, the daughter explained to Dr. Olsen. -- 自分の襲われた次第を、オルフェン博士に彼女は申し述べましたので
- That was certainly Cesaré! -- 確かにセザーレです!
- I was looking for you, father, -- 私お父様を探しに
- and was invited into the circus tent. -- あの見せ物のテントの中にいざなわれ
- Cesaré stared at me. -- セザーレはじいっとわたくしの顔を見つめました
- No, that shouldn’t be the case. -- いやそんなはずはないですよ
- That must be a mistake. -- そりゃあ何かの間違いじゃないでしょうかしら